The view from the listening station (waiting):

Next, I have my first visit from the police. A bike patrol office pulls up behind me and begins to read the placard attached to the back of my seat. I turn around and ask him the same thing I ask everyone... he declines, and asks if I'm wit h the library, am I selling anything... I assure him I am not, and that I will be gone within the hour. He leaves, saying he won't bother me as long as he doesn't receive any complaints. I'll clearly need to check in with the library next time I do a week-long installation here...
My friend Michael arrives just as I have sat down with the first participant of the day- a woman who starts off my asking me a list of questions that I don't answer- what do you thing of george W? when will this war end? what's that building they're putting up? ( the new condo) how much do you think I'll need to open a savings account at the bank? once she starts talking, she gets on a roll. she tells me she has three children, and can't wait until they get 18 so she can " kick them to the curb". She tells me about her job as a child-care provider, and all about her co-workers, the children whom she affectionately refers to as rug-rats...
Michael and I take a few minutes each, and he remarks on how nice it feels to just be listened to. I tell him about how busy I am feeling these days, with this project in the morning, and my teaching job in the afternoons...
the signpost has been blowing over- need sandbags!
1 comment:
zoe - wonderful to read about this project on the blog. it's very interesting to hear how people react to your requests, and what they actually talk about, as well as how you react to different situations. you're awesome!
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