Sunday, October 01, 2006

listening station installations for october

The next installations of the listening station will be for

Philadelphia Open Studio Tours:

friday, october 6:
6-8 pm

the POST kick-off reception
at the constitution center, 525 Arch St.


saturday and sunday, october 7 & 8:

noon- 6pm
at my Open Studio
4013 Chestnut St, West Philadelphia

as usual, bring someone with you, or come on your own and try the listening station with me or with someone you have not met before.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Saturday, September 16

This is the first time I've been out with the Listening Station on a week-end. While there are more people out on the street, especially towards evening, there's not that much of a difference in their willingness to stop for a few minutes.

The first user of the day is a woman who is on her way to the ATM from the diner. We take just one minute each, so that she can get back to her breakfast.

Jim came back again today, on his way home from visiting an African-American Jewish congregation with the West Philly synagogue. I forgot to ask him what brought him back a second time- maybe he'll post a comment here for us.

After a long lull, during which I walked around the block a bit ( being out on the street with the listening station for 3 hours is a lot different than being out for one hour!), an artist who I had met through a craigslist posting about studio space arrivd with her partner. They were excited to try out the station, and remarked that it felt quite different from a regular conversation. He noticed that he used the time to give a report on his day, which was different from how she had talked about things.

A short while later, a woman and her boyfriend stopped by. She was definately more interested than he was, and she convinced him to try it with her. When I asked afterwards, she told me it seemed like "a complete waste of time", which I could beleive judging from the look on his face. The listening station is like a lot of things - you get out of it what you put into it...

My last visitors are a man and his nephew, who give it a try for a short time. I end up just having an off-station conversation with him about creating a website or blog to document his work with homeless men on the "back streets".

Throughout the day, the students who came by were a little more curious, and I had a few short interactions with folks, inviting them to give it a try. But in the end, there were still no students who decided to actually stop and try the listening station. Not that this particular population was my ultimate goal- I have been working towards a goal of general involvement with whoever I encountered. Simply offering the possibility of a different kind of experience in the daily public life of the city is one of the purposes of this project. And in that respect, I feel I have been successful.

The next installation of the listening station may be in 30th Street Station... stay tuned!

Friday, September 15

My second day out during the UPenn fall semester, and another slow start.
I hang back at the wall often, observing the reactions of passersby. More often than not, students and others just completely ignore the presence of a new signpost and two strange benches on the sidewalk. My presence is also often ignored- even when folks stop for a moment to read the signs on the post or on the benches. I'm keeping to my approach of only asking, "would you like to try the listening station?" of people who pause and take notice of me or the installation, so as not to end up feeling too aggressive. The majority shake their head, or tell me, " I'm just reading the sign, thanks".
I realized later today that I forgot my most effective response: " It's meant to be used!"

Still, a few people are curious and open enough to stop and try it out.

This young man tells me a little about life as a recent college graduate, and I convince another man walking by to take our picture.

A few minutes later, a group of young people come by, having come from the library. They are curious to try it out, and end up creating a three-way listening station. They told me, " it's hard to just listen!" - but these three seem to have friendly and close relationships already, and used their time on the station to laugh and joke at their listeners.

After a slow hour, my friend Mary comes by and spend a while chatting with me on and off the station. While she's there, an acquaintance from the neighborhood shows up, and elects to use the station with Mary, since he knows less about her than about me. By this time, Mary is an old pro, and she shows Jim how it's done.

Like yesterday, despite their many numbers, no Penn students stop to use the station. Many of them who pass this corner are coming from the grocery store, their hand full with plastic bags- so I don't expect them to stop. But even those who aren't in as much of a hurry are surprisingly resistant... I'll keep at it tomorrow, and see what I can do.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Thursday, September 14

The first rainy listening station day, above is the LS in rain gear.

Accordingly, not a lot of users today... the higher proportion of students now on the street also seems to make for a less interested public in general.

Old philly theatre friends Jeanette and Perry came by with Jules, on their way to a fringe show. I ended up only using the station with Perry, but had a nice long talk with Jeanette about life and art. Perry mentioned an artist who did performance pieces in places where she knew she'd be caught on surveillance video- and then, we noticed this sign:
maybe I don't need to get someone out here to video-document the piece after all.

Next, a pair of young folks stop to use the station ( not pictured) - once they got a little instruction, they seem to take the whole thing as just another part of their day, and don't comment much to me when they finish.

The last user for the day, as it turns out, is a young woman who doesn't live far from me. She's very enthusiastic about the idea of this public endeavor, and we take a few minutes each.
It's not quite 7 yet ( actully, more like 6 pm) but the drizzle starts to become a bit more regular, and eventually it becomes clear that people are not going to want to sit and be wet on a public art installation. I pack up and leave with the help of my car ( I'm having some kind of lower back spasm today) and call it a day.
Hoping for a drier day tomorrow...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Wednesday, September 13

This evening I brought the listening stations to Rittenhouse Square, in Center City Philadelphia. I was there as part of the Philadelphia Open Studio Tours' artist's table. The table, and my stations, were set out to take advantage of the crowd gathered for the last of the Concerts in the Park series.
I arrived around 6:30, with Ken's help.

As people gathered to listen to the dj opening for the live band, a few folks ventured to try out the stations.

The first to stop were a young boy and his Aunt, with little sister in the stroller. He wanted to try using it with me, but about 20 seconds into his minute of being listened to, decided that he'd rather use it with auntie.
It took some doing, but eventually this fellow used the station for two minutes each with me. He had some interesting insights into the sociological aspects of my project, after listening to me muse on the differences in the crowd at rittenhouse and the people who are usually coming by at 40th and Walnut.

While he and I were using the station, these two women sat down on their own and shared 5 minutes each.
as darkness fell, I found that fewer folks were willing to stop and try the stations. Or, it might have been the excellent grooves coming from the band on stage.

I used the station with two of the other Philadelphia Open Studio Tours artists. Shortly after taking a turn with one of them, I left to find a bathroom. I encouraged her ( not pictured) to use the station with someone else while I was gone. She found a young man to try it out with her, and apparently made a nice connection with him

The last visitor of the evening was a woman who had just come from visiting the grand opening of a new pet store with her dog.
If you used the listening station at Rittenhouse ( or if you didn't), please post a comment on your experience or thoughts on this project!

The Listening Stations will be back out at 40th and Walnut
( weather permitting, check back here later today)
from 4-7 pm
Today, Thursday the 14th, Friday 15, and Saturday 16 of September, 2006.
see you on the street!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Listening Station Week 3 coming up!

The third installation is coming up-
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, September 14, 15, and 16
4-7 pm
at the southeast corner of 40th and Walnut, West Philadelphia

Bring someone who you would like to listen to, and who would like to listen to you.
Or, come by yourself and take a turn with me or someone else you haven't met before.

Rain will cancel the installation- check back here the day of, if the weather's bad.

Hope to see you on the street!

Friday, August 18

oops! I never got around to posting on this day- I'll get to it soon!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Thursday, August 17

Without a helper, I have to carry the stations one at a time from my studio today. When I get to the corner with the first one, I have two people waiting for me! A friend, Monica, and a new acquaintance and fellow public-artist, RA. They use one of the stations while I run back for the other one.

When I come back, Monica and I take a turn.

When we were done, a few people had gathered in curiosity - following the principle that RA and I had discussed, that people on the street will only stop to check something out if it looks like something is already going on. These two people were both curious and asking questions, so I explained a little, and then suggested that they try it together, which they did!

When they were done, I used the station with the woman, who was very excited about her observations on her own process when using the station. She noticed that she went from awkwardly introducing herself, to telling about her day, to reflecting on how the events of her life are affecting her emotionally.

The last participants for the day are a pair of friends who were apparently engaged in a conversation as they walked down the street, in which one friend was dominating. When they finished using the station, he commented that when it was time for him to speak, he seemed to have lost his train of thought, and spent the time noticing and commenting on what was going on around him on the street.

Wednesday, August 16

I arrive at the corner to find a woman in a red shirt, who asks, " are you here for me?" I guess that she is someone who has heard of the project from my emails or the recent press in the Philadelphia Weekly- my hunch is confirmed when it is my turn to listen, and she tells me that she is Libby, she of the Fallon and Rosof artblog, who I have had on my mailing list for a few months now. It's a pleasure to finally meet her, and after we take a few minutes each, we chat about the nature of engaging the public in art actions. She hangs around for a while in the hopes of catching me with another user, but no luck. There don't seem to be as many people out as usual, and not a single person stops to use the station off the street today!

Later in the hour, my friend and housemate Liz comes by, and we take 3 minutes each before hoisting the stations on our shoulders and making our way back to my studio.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Tuesday, August 15

Another late afternoon in the sun... my housemate Michael helps me carry the stations from the studio, and then has to run to do an errand.

I get set up, and then hang back at the wall for a few minutes. A woman about my age comes to rest on the wall, but declines to try the station. After over-hearing me explaining the project to a couple of other passers-by, she decides to try it out after all ( not pictured). We take 2 minutes each, and she tells me that this is a different kind of experience- she is accustomed to writing her thoughts out, but not speaking them in this way.

After she leaves, a few of the same friendly young travelers from yesterday stop by, bringing others with them. The woman who had been here before explained to two others how to use the station, while I oriented two men who took an interest at the same time.

I get to hold their puppy while the stations were in use. This dog has a reputation for being a bad-ass, because on the night of the police confrontation, he made his way on his own from center city all the way back to the west philly squat house these folks are staying in. ( see Monday, August 14)

Everyone dispersed, and my next taker is a warm-hearted fellow-artist. Here he is perusing the use-log chart. After our 2 minutes each, he gave me a warm hug, and reminded me to stay real, as I am.

Towards the end of the hour, a pair of young boys biked up with curiosity. They tried it out for one minute each, using it in the spirit of a game, as I had noticed other young people have done. When they finish, one of the boys asks if they can do it again!

They take another 2 minutes each before getting back on the bike to go to football practice.

if you've tried it, don't forget to post a comment on your experience with the listening station!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Monday, August 14

A warm afternoon in West Philly... I begin with Ken, who helped me bring the stations from the studio. This week I am bringing out both listening stations, which will allow me to invite passersby when two other people have already begun to use a station.

Ken and I end up going back and forth with 2-minute turns, talking and listening on some ideas for our relationship, and on how annoyed I am with the police car parked right next to "my" spot- right under a "NO parking at any time" sign.
( and, look ma, sandbags!)

As Ken is leaving, a friend of his from the Temple MBA program comes along with his partner. They try out the station, and commented afterwards on how different it feels from an informal conversation, with its back-and-forth rhythm.

For a while, I get no takers, but people are definately not in as much of a hurry as they seemed to be during the morning hour of the first week's installation. I have a number of friendly interactions with people who express interest in coming back on another day with a colleague or friend. Having the information cards that I printed today seems to help with folks who are curious but not ready to try it.

A young man who seemed curious comes back around and spends two minutes telling me all about himself as if in a personals ad. He is from Turkey, a computer programmer, these are his favorite movies, etc... He seems like a lovely person, but I make sure to mention my boyfriend when it's my turn to talk. Even so, when we are done he asks if I have a boyfriend, and still
suggests that I come over for dinner tonight. I decline, but am excited to have an open invitation to get to know him and hear some traditional Turkish music.

While we were on the station, a few
young punk/anarchist travelers gathered on the library wall. I ask them where they are from, and we have a great conversation about traveling, dumpster-diving, police aggression and militant vegan straight-edge gangs. Eventually, they all decided to try the listening station.

While they all were going at it, my housemate Isaac and his friend Natalie showed up. The first time people were waiting in line to use the listening station!

Isaac noticed that for him, it was easier to listen than to talk for two minutes. We also discussed the various styles of listening- whether to respond with facial expression or not, to maintain complete silence, or to include non-verbal sounds of acknowledgement. I've noticed that I tend to use different listening styles depending on who I am listening to and what they are speaking about.

While Natalie and Issac are using the station, I strike up a conversation with a young woman who is working as a UPenn security guard for this
corner. Her shift started at 5 pm, and she'll be on the job until 3 am. I step away for a minute to take a few pictures, and she starts encouraging other passers-by to try the listening station- great!

She and I take 3 minutes each before Natalie, Isaac and I pack up the stations and signpost for the day.

ps- did you use the listening station today? please post a comment on your experience!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

week 2 begins tomorrow!

This week, August 14-18, the Listening Station will be available for your use at the south-east corner of 40th and Walnut in West Philadelphia, from 5-6 pm, Monday through Friday.

Participants will be asked to fill out a simple chart after use of the Listening Station, and may be photographed or video-taped ( no audio) with permission of the participants.

Come with a person with whom you would like to use the listening station, or come alone and use the station with me or with someone you have not met before.

Special Request!
If you are available to assist me in carrying the two listening stations and signpost from my studio to the corner of 40th and Walnut ( 2 short blocks), at 4:50 pm any day this week, please email me.

see you on the corner!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Friday, July 28

When I arrive at 40th and Walnut today, a group of high school students is gathered at the library wall. As soon as I put the station down, I approach them, and a pair of friends agrees to try it out:
When they finished, I asked them what it was like. One said it was hard to just talk for the whole time, but that she liked it. The other said she noticed that she liked the feeling of just listening.
Another pair of friends decided to try it too:
Soon after the group leaves, a pair of boys walks by, both eating candy bars. I ask them " would you like to try the listening station?" and they shrug at each other and sit down. They take 1 minute each, and go on their way again, after declaring the listening station "fun".

My last interaction of the week is with a man who has come by a few times going in and out of the library. He comes back after declining to use the station, and tells me that it's a " sweet piece" and that he really likes public art. I remind him that it's meant to be used, but he doesn't take the hint. He asks for my website, and while fishing around for a piece of paper, finds a book in his bag. He insists that I take it as a "fair trade", for what- I am not sure.
Upon later inspection, it appears to be a book bought at the library sale table, or at The Last Word down the street, and seems to be a useless analysis of the minor painter and orientalist, Eugene Fromentin.

For the last few minutes of the hour, I sit at the station, asking passersby, " would you like to try the listening station?"

Thursday, July 27

Back at 40th and Walnut again, this seems to be a low-participant day. More people are saying they don't have time, they're on their way to work. When I ask one man, " would you like to try the listening station?" he answers: " I already have one, thanks".
The view from the listening station (waiting):

Next, I have my first visit from the police. A bike patrol office pulls up behind me and begins to read the placard attached to the back of my seat. I turn around and ask him the same thing I ask everyone... he declines, and asks if I'm wit h the library, am I selling anything... I assure him I am not, and that I will be gone within the hour. He leaves, saying he won't bother me as long as he doesn't receive any complaints. I'll clearly need to check in with the library next time I do a week-long installation here...

My friend Michael arrives just as I have sat down with the first participant of the day- a woman who starts off my asking me a list of questions that I don't answer- what do you thing of george W? when will this war end? what's that building they're putting up? ( the new condo) how much do you think I'll need to open a savings account at the bank? once she starts talking, she gets on a roll. she tells me she has three children, and can't wait until they get 18 so she can " kick them to the curb". She tells me about her job as a child-care provider, and all about her co-workers, the children whom she affectionately refers to as rug-rats...

Michael and I take a few minutes each, and he remarks on how nice it feels to just be listened to. I tell him about how busy I am feeling these days, with this project in the morning, and my teaching job in the afternoons...

the signpost has been blowing over- need sandbags!

Wednesday July 26

I arrive at the south-west corner of 40th and Chestnut today to find a deafening jackhammer at work a few feet from where I had been placing the listening station.

This seems to require a new location- I decide to try out the corner of 40th and Walnut, a site that I had considered previously. There's better shade there in the morning, in the shadow of the recently re-opened Walnut West branch of the Philadelphia Free Library. It's a corner with more street life- sidewalk seating at restaurants, a park nearby. It's also at the edge of UPenn's campus, which will mean more students, but with a McDonald's, and one of the few grocery stores in the area, it still attracts all sorts of folks. I hoist up the listening station to re-locate.
At the new location, I seem to encounter more polite resistance- and also more challenging reactions to my offer of " would you like to try the listening station?" More than one person demands to know the point of the experience, or what they will get out of it. I'm determined to answer honestly- "you'll have to try to find out" - but it's not easy to hold that line!
Eventually a young man sitting on the wall of the library agrees to try it out- he came to print out resumes at the library, but has to make another plan, as it is closed. He tells me how his rooommate plays the same song on the piano every morning.
While we're using the station, my friends Nachshon David and Rebecca arrive, and take 5 minutes each:

Tuesday, July 25

Today I started in the sun near the curb and moved back towards the buildings once the shade there was large enough. Definately not as visible there.
Again, sitting at the station, asking: " would you like to try the listening station?"
responses vary from being ignored, politely declining, slight interest, and a few takers.
the first participant is a young man with an interest in public art, who comments on the gentrification of the neighborhood, and suggests video documentation of the listening station- something that is definately on my list for future installations. He also told me that he doesn't have to work until 3, he's hanging out until then, and will probably go smoke a joint before work.
The next young man I talk with is not willing to sit, so we take turns listening to each other standing over the listening station. He uses his whole time asking me questions that I don't answer, about where the bus goes, where there's an atm from his bank, and whether I have a boyfriend.
And then, I do get a woman who is waiting for the bus- we have just enough time to listen to each other for one minute each before the bus arrives. She tells me about renovations to her apartment, and the blueberries she had in her cereal for breakfast.

For my part, I am noticing my variable comfort level with my turn to speak with these participants. Sometimes I feel free to talk about what is going on in my life, other times I am more nervous, and talk mostly about my worries regarding how the project is going.