Wednesday, August 02, 2006

the listening station

the Listening Station

a Listening Station is an object for two people to sit on

it is designed so that the two people must sit close to one another, and facing each other.

it is not a very comfortable seat.

it is not meant for lounging, eating lunch, or reading the paper

(although in its public installation it may end up to be used for these activities)

the Listening Station is meant to be used by two people who take turns listening to each other for equal amounts of time.

it is equipped with:

a brief list of directions,

a small digital timer,

and a set of flip cards on a post with the only two instructions:


the Listening Station can be used by any two people.

any two people:

regardless of age, race, class, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, occupation.

any two people:

regardless of whether they be acquainted or strangers, family relation, friend, lover, employee, employer, colleague, parent, child, spouse, roommate.

the Listening Station is meant to be used by two people who take turns listening to each other.

the person speaking may speak on any topic.

the person speaking may also not speak at all, and still be listened to.

the person listening, listens.

then switch!

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